60.1 Energy
is the ideal possession that one could possess?
Energy is the ideal possession that one could
possess, and all other
possessions are not real possessions. (Couplet – 591)
உடைமை எனப்படுவது ஊக்கம் அஃதுஇல்லார்
உடையரோ மற்று. (குறள் - 591)
Energy is the strength and vitality required for
sustained physical and mental activity. It is the energy that enables one to
achieve one’s goals. In addition to mentioning energy as a prerequisite quality
for a leader (Couplet 382), Valluvar has a chapter (Chapter 60) on energy and
its importance for one and all. According to Valluvar, energy is the ideal
possession that one could possess, and all other possessions are not real
possessions (Couplet 591). In other words, one with energy can obtain and
retain his wealth and other things of value under all circumstances. In couplet
594, Valluvar adds that success and wealth will seek their way to the one with the
inflexible will and unfailing energy.
A practical application of Valluvar’s ideas on
energy can be seen in the management philosophy of Jack Welch, the legendary
Chief Executive Officer of the General Electric Company (GE). He had devised a
system of 4E’s and followed it meticulously to achieve phenomenal success at
GE. According to Jeffrey A. Krames, the author of “Jack Welch and 4E’s of
Leadership”, it all begins with energy. Leaders must have other strengths, such
as intelligence and decision-making ability, but it is energy that converts good
ideas into measurable performance. Jack Welch’s 4E system consists of the
following four basic principles: 1) leader has energy; 2) leader energizes
others; 3) leader has the competitive edge and 4) the leader executes.
Jack Welch’s successful application of the system of 4E shows the wisdom of
Valluvar in espousing energy as an essential quality for achieving success.