Tuesday, December 13, 2022

108.1 Unscrupulousness

 108.1 Unscrupulousness

(108.1 கயமை)



                What do unscrupulous people look like?


Unscrupulous people resemble others in outward appearance,

and there is no such similarity anywhere else.                                 (Couplet – 1071)


மக்களே போல்வர் கயவர் அவரன்ன

ஒப்பாரி யாங்கண்ட தில்.                                                             (குறள் – 1071)



The unscrupulous people look exactly like other human beings. But the unscrupulous ones behave entirely differently. In Couplet 1071, Valluvar expresses his surprise at this similarity in appearance and differences in behaviors. 

108.2 Unscrupulousness

 108.2 Unscrupulousness

(108.2 கயமை)


                Is there anything in common between the unscrupulous people and the Gods?


The unscrupulous people are like the Gods because

they can act as they please.                                                 (Couplet – 1073)


தேவர் அனையர் கயவர் அவருந்தாம்

மேவன செய்தொழுக லான்.                                      (குறள் – 1073)



                There is no code of conduct for the Gods. They decide what is right and wrong and act accordingly. Similarly, the unscrupulous act as they please, even if there are codes of conduct. The Gods do not have to answer to anyone. In the same manner, the unscrupulous do not answer to anyone. The independent nature of behavior is common between the unscrupulous and the Gods. 

108.3 Unscrupulousness

 108.3 Unscrupulousness

(108.3 கயமை)



                What are some of the characteristics of the unscrupulous?



The unscrupulous are luckier than others because they

have no scruples.                                                                              (Couplet – 1072)

When the unscrupulous find others meaner than them, they feel

that they are better than them and feel proud of themselves.          (Couplet – 1074)

Fear is the code of conduct for the base, but desire may also

motivate them to follow good behavior to a small extent.               Couplet – 1075)

Like a tom-tom (drum), the base will broadcast whatever

secrets they hear from others.                                                           (Couplet – 1076)

The base will not jerk their hands moistened with food, except

to those who can break their jaws with a clenched fist.                    (Couplet – 1077)

Perfect men will help immediately upon request, but the mean

will help only when they are crushed like sugarcane.                      (Couplet 1078)

Upon seeing others having good food and fine clothing, the base

would be capable of finding their faults.                                           (Couplet – 1079)

What is the use of unscrupulous men? If a misfortune befalls them,

they will rush to sell themselves.                                                      (Couplet – 1080)


நன்றறி வாரிற் கயவர் திருவுடையர்

நெஞ்சத்து அவலம் இலர்.                                                      (குறள் – 1072)

அகப்பட்டி ஆவாரைக் காணின் அவரின்

மிகப்பட்டுச் செம்மாக்கும் கீழ்.                                         (குறள் – 1074)

அச்சமே கீழ்களது ஆசாரம் எச்சம்

அவாவுண்டேல் உண்டாம் சிறிது.                                      (குறள் – 1075)

அறைபறை அன்னர் கயவர்தாம் கேட்ட

மறைபிறர்க்கு உய்த்துரைக்க லான்.                                 (குறள் – 1076)

ஈர்ங்கை விதிரார் கயவர் கொடிறுடைக்கும்

கூன்கையர் அல்லா தவர்க்கு.                                               (குறள் – 1077)

சொல்லப் பயன்படுவர் சான்றோர் கரும்புபோல்

கொல்லப் பயன்படும் கீழ்.                                                     (குறள் – 1078)

உடுப்பதூஉம் உண்பதூஉம் காணின் பிறர்மேல்

வடுக்காண வற்றாகும் கீழ்.                                                    (குறள் – 1079)

எற்றிற் குரியர் கயவரொன்று உற்றக்கால்

விற்றற்கு உரியர் விரைந்து.                                                   (குறள் – 1080)



                When a normal person commits a mistake, his conscience will prick him, and he will feel bad. Since the unscrupulous willfully do evil deeds, their conscience will not hurt them, and that is why Valluvar says somewhat sarcastically in Couplet 1072 that they are luckier than others. In Couplet 1074, Valluvar mentions that when a mean person comes across another one who is meaner than him, he will be proud of himself. The only code of conduct the base follows is fear. They will avoid doing evil deeds only out of fear of punishment. Sometimes, they may be motivated by their desire to a small extent to behave correctly. The unscrupulous will not keep the secrets they hear. They will tell them to everyone and will not hesitate to embarrass the ones who confided in them.


Another mean quality of the base is that they will never help anybody, even to the slightest extent. In Tamil, there is an expression to refer to an utter miser who will not share anything with anyone. That expression is: He won’t even shake his hand that is wet with food to chase a crow. That means he will not shake his hands because the crow may eat the food particles scattered from his hand. In Couplet 1077, Valluvar uses this idiomatic expression to refer to an unscrupulous person who is, by nature, a miser. He also remarks that such a person will help only the one who breaks his jaw with his clenched fist. In other words, an unscrupulous person will only help if he is physically attacked.



In Couplet 1078, Valluvar says that a mean person will only help if subjected to violence. Here he mentions that a perfect man will help upon request but getting help from a mean person is like getting sugar from sugarcane by crushing it. Also, a mean person is so jealous by nature that when he sees his neighbors eat good food and wear fine clothes, he is ready to find their faults. Finally, in Couplet 1080, Valluvar asks, “Of what use are the unscrupulous men to the world?” Of course, they are useless to the world. Valluvar adds that if misfortunes strike them, they will readily sell themselves. In summary, we see from the couplets mentioned above that Valluvar describes an unscrupulous person as an arrogant, self-serving miser who is totally worthless.

Monday, December 12, 2022

107.1 Fear of Begging

 107.1 Fear of Begging

(107.1 இரவச்சம்)



                 Is it the creator’s intent that some people should earn their livelihood by begging?


If the creator had intended that some people should earn their living

by begging, then he himself should wander and perish.                                  (Couplet – 1062)


இரந்தும் உயிர்வாழ்தல் வேண்டின் பரந்து

கெடுக உலகியற்றி யான்.                                                                             (குறள் – 1062)



                In Couplet 1062, Valluvar expresses his strong condemnation of the Creator by saying that if He had intended that some people should have to beg to live, he should wander and perish. This Couplet is actually a criticism against those who believe that some people live by begging because it is their destiny. Valluvar has already stated in Couplet 620 that people who work hard with ceaseless industry will overcome the obstacles created by fate. So, Valluvar is a strong proponent of hard work and not the power of fate. In Couplet 544, Valluvar says that the world will respect the king who rules justly for the welfare of the people. If the king (or the modern-day ruler) has the welfare of the people in mind, then he will provide suitable employment opportunities for his citizens. If employment opportunities are provided, and people work hard, there is no excuse for anybody to beg for a living. Therefore, no one is really destined to beg for his livelihood. 

107.2 Fear of Begging

107.2 Fear of Begging

(107.2 இரவச்சம்)



                Is it acceptable to beg for water for a cow?



Even if one begs for water to quench the thirst of a cow, there

is nothing more disgraceful than begging.                                        (Couplet – 1066)


ஆவிற்கு நீரென்று இரப்பினும் நாவிற்கு

இரவின் இளிவந்த தில்.                                                                (குறள் – 1066)



                When a cow is alive, it provides milk and gives birth to calves for most of its life. When the cow is dead, its hide is used by men. Since the cow is a very useful animal to people, people decided to protect it from slaughtering and took good care of the cow. The Hindu religious authorities have declared that a cow is sacred to protect the cow. Once the cow is declared sacred, killing it or not protecting it is considered a sin. So, it has become a longstanding tradition to take good care of the cow. Also, giving water to a thirsty cow was considered a sacred duty of the cow owner. In Couplet 1066, Valluvar says that even if one considers it a virtue and begs for water for a cow, it is still a disgraceful act. Here we see Valluvar’s disdain for begging.


106.1 Begging

 106.1 Begging

106.1 இரவு



                If one should beg, from whom should one beg?


Seek help from those who can afford it and are also inclined to be

charitable. If they refuse to help, it is their fault and not yours.    (Couplet – 1051)

இரக்க இரத்தக்கார்க் காணின் கரப்பின்

அவர்பழி தம்பழி அன்று.                                                     (குறள் – 1051)



In Couplet 1051, Valluvar advises that if one has to beg, one should beg from people who can afford it and are inclined to be charitable. This couplet should not be misconstrued as Valluvar’s unconditional endorsement of begging. In Tamil society, begging has always been considered disgraceful and demeaning. For example, in poem 206[1] of Puranaanuuru, the poet Kazhaidhin Yaanaiyaar (கழைதின் யானையார்) says “It is demeaning to beg and denying alms to someone who is begging is worse than that.” It has always been considered that working hard and earning a living is the best thing to do. Also, in Couplet 616, Valluvar says,Persistent hard work will bring about good fortune, and indolence will bring about poverty.” But Valluvar is also a pragmatist. He knows that sometimes some people are pushed into begging for their own survival and their family’s survival. Under such extenuating circumstances, if one must beg, Valluvar’s advice is to beg from the right people.

[1]. ஈயென இரத்தல் இழிந்தன்று அதன்எதிர்

   ஈயேன் என்றல் அதனினும் இழிந்தன்று;

                                                (கழைதின் யானையார், புறநானூறு, 204: 1-2)


106.2 Begging

 106.2 Begging




                Can the one who begs get angry?


When denied charity, one should not get angry at anybody.

His own misery of poverty should be sufficient proof for him

to understand the vicissitudes of fortune.                                                          (Couplet -1060)


இரப்பான் வெகுளாமை வேண்டும் நிரப்பிடும்பை

தானேயும் சாலும் கரி.                                                                                   (குறள் – 1060)



                Valluvar is a staunch proponent of charity. At the same time, he strongly criticizes the reaction of getting angry at any refusal for help. It is the rich man’s duty to give when somebody asks for something he can afford to give. But if the rich man refuses to help, it is his fault. The one who begs should realize that he is begging due to certain unavoidable circumstances. Similarly, the rich man may be in difficult situations, and therefore, he is unable to help. So, the one who begs should remind himself that his own situation is sufficient proof that fortunes fluctuate. 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

105.1 Poverty

 105.1 Poverty

(105.1 நல்குரவு)


                What are the horrors of poverty?


Poverty alone is the most painful, and no other suffering

is as miserable as poverty.                                                                  (Couplet – 1041)

When cruel poverty comes on, it deprives joys of this

life and those of the next one.                                                             (Couplet – 1042)

The cravings arising from poverty will totally destroy

ancestral pride and fame.                                                                    (Couplet – 1043)

Poverty will force even men of noble birth to the moral

weakness of speaking disgraceful words.                                          (Couplet – 1044)

The pain of poverty brings in its course many kinds

of suffering.                                                                                        (Couplet – 1045)


இன்மையின் இன்னாதது யாதெனின் இன்மையின்

இன்மையே இன்னா தது.                                                       (குறள் – 1041)

இன்மை எனவொரு பாவி மறுமையும்

இம்மையும் இன்றி வரும்.                                                       (குறள் – 1042)

தொல்வரவும் தோலும் கெடுக்கும் தொகையாக

நல்குரவு என்னும் நசை.                                                           (குறள் – 1043)

இற்பிறந்தார் கண்ணேயும் இன்மை இளிவந்த

சொற்பிறக்கும் சோர்வு தரும்.                                              (குறள் – 1044)

நல்குரவு என்னும் இடும்பையுள் பல்குரைத்

துன்பங்கள் சென்று படும்.                                                      (குறள் – 1045)



                Poverty has been prevalent in the world for a long time. Tamil society has not been an exception to poverty. In the Sangam literature, we see numerous instances of poets and bards suffering extreme poverty and seeking assistance from kings. Even today, all over the world, millions of people are starving without food and going to bed hungry. There is no doubt that poverty is a severe scourge of the world. In the above-cited five couplets, Valluvar describes the horrors of poverty. He says that there is no other suffering greater than poverty. According to him, poverty affects a person not only in this birth but also in future births; it destroys a person’s fame and ancestral pride and makes him utter disgraceful words. In fact, Valluvar says that poverty may result in many other sufferings. 

105.2 Poverty

 105.2 Poverty

(105.2 நல்குரவு)



                What are some of the consequences of poverty?


Even a mother will treat her son as a stranger

if his poverty is unrelated to virtue.                                                   (Couplet - 1047)

Will I have to face the fatal poverty that almost

killed me yesterday again today?                                                       (Couplet – 1048)

It is possible to sleep even in the midst of a fire, but it

is impossible to sleep in the midst of extreme poverty.                    (Couplet – 1049)

அறஞ்சாரா நல்குரவு ஈன்றதா யானும்

பிறன்போல நோக்கப் படும்.                                                (குறள் – 1047)

இன்றும் வருவது கொல்லோ நெருநலும்

கொன்றது போலும் நிரப்பு.                                                   (குறள் – 1048)

நெருப்பினுள் துஞ்சலும் ஆகும் நிரப்பினுள்

யாதொன்றும் கண்பாடு அரிது.                                          (குறள் – 1049)



                A mother will always be sympathetic and would like to help her son in any way possible if he is experiencing poverty. But if her son’s poverty results from misdeeds, and illegal and unethical activities, she might treat him as a stranger. Valluvar has framed Couplet 1048 as a question by one who is experiencing severe poverty. Here, the one who struggled to survive his abject poverty yesterday wonders whether he might endure a similar struggle again today.


                In Couplet 1049, Valluvar says that some people may struggle to sleep even amid the flames of fire. But none can sleep amid extreme poverty. Although Valluvar says that none can sleep in the midst of extreme poverty, millions of people worldwide go to sleep hungry each night. According to the humanitarian organization Worldvision[1], up to 811 million people — about 10% of the world’s population — regularly go to bed hungry. The war in Ukraine has worsened conditions in 2022, as conflict restricts global food supplies, drives up prices, and threatens the world’s most vulnerable people and countries.

[1]. https://www.worldvision.org/hunger-news-stories/world-hunger-facts#:~:text=Up%20to%20811%20million%20people%20%E2%80%94%20about%2010%25,should%20know%20about%20global%20hunger%20and%20food%20insecurity%3A


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