10.1 Pleasant words
Should we
always use pleasant words?
Answer: Yes.
When a man knows that kind words bring joy and happiness, why
should he resort to harsh words? (Couplet
- 99)
Using harsh words instead of kind and pleasant words is like
preferring raw fruits when ripe ones are available.
(Couplet 100)
இன்சொல் இனிதீன்றல்
காண்பான் எவன்கொலோ
வன்சொல் வழங்கு வது? (குறள் – 99)
இனிய உளவாக இன்னாத
காய்கவர்ந் தற்று. (குறள் – 100)
While the kind and pleasant words always bring joy and
happiness, harsh words bring unhappiness and anger to others. When there are kind and pleasant words, using harsh and unkind words is
like eating unripe fruits when ripe and sweet fruits are available. Therefore,
we should always use kind and pleasant words in our speech. Also, whenever
possible, it is a good practice to appreciate others and avoid finding their
nandRi Iyyah!