18.1 Avoiding Covetousness
Why is covetousness considered evil?
If a man abandons rectitude and covets
another's property, it will ruin
his family
and lead to crimes. (Couplet – 171)
The very
thought of stealing others' wealth by fraudulent means
is evil. (Couplet – 282)
நடுவின்றி நன்பொருள் வெஃகின் குடிபொன்றிக்
குற்றமும் ஆங்கே தரும். (குறள் – 171)
உள்ளத்தால் உள்ளலும் தீதே பிறன்பொருளைக்
கள்ளத்தால் கள்வேம் எனல். (குறள் – 282)
Our thoughts
precede our words and deeds. Once the thought of coveting another man's
property occurs in our minds, then most probably, it will lead to stealing.
Stealing is a punishable crime. If a man is involved in stealing and punished
for that, it will affect him and his family. If in case, there is no opportunity
actually to steal the desired property, then frustration sets in. For these reasons, covetousness is considered evil. So, it is
better not to entertain even the thought of coveting another man's property. The Bible says that a covetous person brings trouble to his family (Proverbs
15:27). Also, the tenth commandment in the Ten Commandments says, "Thou
shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife,
nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor
anything that is thy neighbor's." Similar statements condemning
covetousness can be found in other religions as well.
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