22.2 Social Obligation
Is there a way to help many people for a long time?
The wealth of a man of superior knowledge who loves the
world and wants to exercise benevolence is like a lake with
fresh drinking water. (kural – 215)
ஊருணி நீர்நிறைந் தற்றே உலகவாம்
பேரறி வாளன் திரு. (குறள் – 215)
Valluvar proposes three models for practicing philanthropy to help
needy people. The first model is the "Fresh Water Lake Model of
Philanthropy." A lake with fresh drinking water provides a perennial
supply of drinking water to many people for an indefinitely long time.
Similarly, a man of superior knowledge will use his wealth to benefit needy
people for a long time. For example, he would deposit a large sum of money in a
bank and use the interest from the principal to help needy people. Under this
arrangement, the principal is preserved, and the interest continues to be used
for helping the needy, like a lake with drinking water that supplies water to
all the people all the time. This type of philanthropy offers the maximum
benefit to many people for a very long time. For example, modern philanthropic
foundations like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, McArthur Foundation,
Ford Foundation, and other such large foundations have large sums of money in
the bank. The interest obtained from the principal is used to benefit those who
seek assistance. Since the principal is never used, this type of foundation can
help many people for a very long time.
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