23.1 Charity
What is charity?
To give to the needy alone is charity. All the rest is an
investment in
anticipation of a return. (Couplet – 221)
Even if it is good to receive charity from others for livelihood,
it is still wrong. Even if
heaven is denied to the giver,
giving (charity) is still good. (Couplet – 222)
வறியார்க்குஒன்று ஈவதே ஈகைமற் றெல்லாம்
குறியெதிர்ப்பை நீர துடைத்து. (குறள்
– 221)
நல்லாறு எனினும் கொளல்தீது மேலுலகம்
இல்லெனினும் ஈதலே நன்று. (குறள்
– 222)
Merriam – Webster dictionary defines charity as the act of giving money, food, or other kinds of help to people who are poor, sick, etc. Also, charity is a natural, emotional impulse to an immediate situation, and it usually occurs when someone asks for help. Furthermore, charity is helping someone who is in need without expecting anything in return from him. All other forms of giving imply that the receiver will give something in return.
Eastern religions like Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism maintain that the right thing for a true ascetic is to beg for his food. Even if it is considered proper for an ascetic to beg, Valluvar claims it is still wrong (Couplet – 222). He believes that begging for food is not an acceptable way of life.
Most religions maintain that those who perform charitable
acts will be rewarded in heaven. But such a reward is not guaranteed. Valluvar
says that it is better to practice charity even if there is no heaven (Couplet
– 222).
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