82.3 Evil Friendship
friendship with undependable people evil friendship?
Solitude is more desirable than the company of those who resemble
the untrained horses which desert their riders on the battlefield. (Couplet- 814)
It is better to avoid than to continue the evil friendship of those
mean people who offer no protection during adversity. (Couplet - 815)
Don’t even dream of associating with people whose words and
deeds do not match. (Couplet-
அமரகத்து ஆற்றறுக்கும் கல்லாமா அன்னார்
தமரின் தனிமை தலை. (குறள் – 814)
சாராச் சிறியவர் புன்கேண்மை
எய்தாமை நன்று. (குறள் – 815)
இன்னாது மன்னோ வினைவேறு
பட்டார் தொடர்பு. (குறள் – 819)
to Valluvar, friends should help each other under all circumstances. To
emphasize the importance of dependability among friends, Valluvar mentions that
friendship is said to be on its throne when it possesses the power of
supporting one at all times under all circumstances in life (Couplet – 789).“
However, there are people who are not very dependable. Undependable people will
desert their friends when their friends are undergoing adverse situations in
life and they cannot be counted upon for any help. Valluvar compares such
people to a horse that deserts its rider at a critical time on a battlefield.
It is better to be alone than to be in their company. There are people whose
deeds do not match their words. They are likely to promise more than what they
can deliver. In a sense, these people are also not really reliable, and they
are hypocrites. Valluvar believes that friendship with undependable people is
evil and should be discontinued.
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