89.2 Internal Enmity
What happens when there is internal enmity in a house?
The strength of a family with internal enmity will wear
away like
the iorn that is filed with a file? (couplet – 888)
பொன்போலத் தேயும் உரம்பொருது
உற்ற குடி. (குறள் – 888)
should indeed be concerned with external as well as internal enemies. In the
case of external enemies, their motive is clear. Therefore, one can be prepared
to fight the external enemy. But in the case of internal enemies, often their
motive is hidden. Since their motive is hidden, one should be more careful and
be more afraid of internal enemies. It is not unusual for family members to
have rivalry and hostility among themselves. The siblings often fight with one
another to share the family property. Likewise, we often see a lot of squabbles
and infights within the ranks of the same political party. The internal enemies
are hidden, and the damage done by them will gradually destroy the family or
the party or nation. Since the damage by internal enmity is unpredictable and
slow, Valluvar compares it to the iron wearing out as it is filed away.
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