Friday, September 9, 2022

72.2 Judging the Audience (அவை அறிதல்)

 72.2 Judging the Audience (அவை அறிதல்)



What are the essential things to be considered by a speaker when he addresses an audience?


Good men of eloquence should use the right words

to suit the time and place.                                           (Couplet - 712)

இடைதெரிந்து நன்குணர்ந்து சொல்லுக சொல்லின்

நடைதெரிந்த நன்மை யவர்.                                         (குறள் – 712)


         When a speaker addresses an audience, he should consider the time and occasion of speech. For example, if he must make a presentation just before lunch, he should realize that the audience will be eager to go to lunch, and therefore, he should be brief in his speech. If he happens to speak after lunch, it is possible that part of the audience may feel a little tired and sleepy. Under those circumstances, he should include humor in his speech to get the audience’s attention. Also, the speaker should know in advance how much time he should speak. He should finish his speech within the time allotted for him. The speaker should also take the occasion into account. For example, if he is delivering a commencement address, he should be positive in his speech and motivate the students instead of dwelling on the potential difficulties in real life.


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