92.1 Prostitutes
What is the nature of a
prostitute’s love?
Listening to the sweet
words of a beautiful prostitute will bring forth
disgrace to her customers. (Couplet - 911)
One should analyze the
character of wanton women who utter sweet
words and care only for
their own material gains, and one should stay
away from them. (Couplet - 912)
The false embrace of a
prostitute is as disgusting as embracing a strange
corpse in a dark room. (Couplet
- 913)
அன்பின் விழையார் பொருள்விழையும் ஆய்தொடியார்
இன்சொல் இழுக்குத் தரும். (குறள் – 911)
பயன்தூக்கிப் பண்புரைக்கும் பண்பின் மகளிர்
நயன்தூக்கி நள்ளா விடல். (குறள் – 912)
பொருட்பெண்டிர் பொய்ம்மை முயக்கம் இருட்டறையில்
ஏதில் பிணந்தழீஇ யற்று. (குறள் – 913)
Prostitution as a profession has been around for a long time. The
earliest mention of prostitution is found in the Sumerian records dating back
to 2,400 B.C. No wonder prostitution is called the world’s oldest profession!
The primary reason why women resort to prostitution is their lack of economic
independence. In the old days, the man was the family's sole breadwinner. Also,
many men were killed in the old days due to ongoing wars. Therefore, the male
population was less in number than the female population. So, when a woman
could not get married or if her husband and parents were not there to support
her, she would not have had any means to make a living. So, a prostitute has
relationships with men only for their money. If a man mistakes the sweet words
of a prostitute for genuine love and affection, he is fooling himself, and it
will bring forth disgrace to him (Couplet – 911). Valluvar advises that one
should analyze the character of wanton women who utter sweet words and care
only for their own material gains, and one should stay away from them (Couplet
– 912). He says that the false embrace of a prostitute is as disgusting as
embracing a strange corpse in a dark room (Couplet – 913). These statements by
Valluvar reveal his disgust for prostitutes and his reasons why one should not
have any relationship with them.
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