92.2 Prostitutes
Who are those who seek pleasure from prostitutes?
Only men without virtue in their hearts
will seek the pleasures
of prostitutes who have others in mind
while embracing them. (Couplet
– 917)
To men without knowledge and
discernment, the embrace of
a prostitute will appear to be that of
a siren*. (Couplet – 918)
The soft arms of the prostitutes
decked with gleaming jewels are
the hell unto which degraded, and
contemptible fools would sink. (Couplet
– 919)
நிறைநெஞ்சம் இல்லவர் தோய்வார் பிறநெஞ்சிற்
பேணிப் புணர்பவர் தோள். (குறள் – 917)
ஆயும் அறிவினர் அல்லார்க்கு அணங்கென்ப
மாய மகளிர் முயக்கு. (குறள் – 918)
வரைவிலா மாணிழையார் மென்தோள் புரையிலாப்
பூரியர்கள் ஆழும் அளறு. (குறள் – 919)
In above mentioned three Couplets,
Valluvar describes the characteristics of those who have relationships with
prostitutes. First, he says that only those who are weak-minded will seek the
pleasures of prostitutes who embrace them while not really loving them. Next,
he mentions that wise people say that for those who lack discerning
intelligence, the embrace of a prostitute will result in painful consequences.
Finally, he mentions that the delicate shoulders of prostitutes with excellent
jewels are a deep hell for those with degraded minds.
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